As the year 2015 drags to a close for Hip Hop fans I feel it is time for that recurring discussion to be had, however not with its usual maddening rhetoric of: “Who has owned 2015?” or “What was the album of the year?” Both for me on a personal level are fruitless branches of which I wish not to divulge into fully, and feel there are more pertinent arguments that can be raised. Yes, Drake has taken us back to the essence with his dismantling of a fellow flourishing rap star and more monster projects .In addition purists will argue that Kendrick Lamar delivered a modern classic with “To Pimp a Butterfly” and this should be celebrated given the current climate. Conversely I feel that both are going to be a consistent theme for the foreseeable future and we will have plenty more opportunities to dig our teeth into both artists’ legacies. So with that being said I want to deliberate the TOP 5 DEAD OR ALIVE. Given the imminent release of revered Yonkers native Jadakiss’ aptly tit...